Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If God made us, how come we get toothache?

I mean, if intelligent design is true, then it doesn't seem very intelligent to make people so sensitive in non-essential parts of their body, like their teeth and under their nails...and leave vital parts like their brain without sensation. Wouldn't it be more intelligent to give us teeth like sharks, that grow after the old ones fall out, rather than giving us only two sets?

And if evolution is true, how come we still only get two sets of teeth, and painful ones at that, after all those centuries of the survival of the fittest? What on earth is the evolutionary advantage conferred by toothache? I mean I can understand why your finger feels pain--so you won't leave it in the fire or whatever. But your teeth?

Maybe they're both wrong--the theists and the evolutionists-- and it was aliens who started the whole thing (ones with a perverted sense of humor perhaps...)

If God made us, how come we get toothache?
Reply:Nobody is perfect, not even God...
Reply:I think it's a lack of flossing...
Reply:Oh, and why would He make some of us dumb as doornails, right?
Reply:He created a product... later on there may be breakdown of parts due to wear and tear...
Reply:god couldn't just make the good their has to be an opposite for everything.
Reply:Evolution only selects against factors that interfere with your ability to live to reproductive age and have children. The occasional toothache is annoying, but it probably didn't impact people's lives enough to kill them.
Reply:When God made people, he was lobbied by American Dental Association to make people suffer from toothache so dentists would have jobs.
Reply:Because God made us perfect in his mind but we arent perfect, get it
Reply:because he wanted to teach us how good life is when you don't have a toothache
Reply:Your parents made you and made you into a human being. Your teeth are exposed bone and tooth aches are extremely painful.

Take care of your teeth, visit your dentist and blame your lack of brushing or sugary drinks rather than an entity you have no idea if exists or not!
Reply:who says other animals don't have teeth pains?

it hurts depending on what happens to your teeth.

and evolution doesn't just happen instantly.

it takes hundreds of thousands of years to actually notice a change.

and you can't change how your body works just because you don't like it.

evolution is there so you adapt to your environment and can live with it.

** and i've never heard anyone dying from a toothache. ;)
Reply:Well if you take care of your teeth you wouldn't have tooth aches...

and brains do hurt.... ever had a headache? That's the brain hurting!
Reply:is it me or are there a lot of morons out there this evening?

or did god make morons to entertain the rest of us?
Reply:Since when are teeth not essential?

Your brain doesn't have nerve endings because it is encased by your skull.
Reply:Are you serious man? And by the way, God IS perfect, contrary to what someone said above.
Reply:LOL good question.

because if he had never invented the toothache you would've never questioned the existence of a god. idk....
Reply:hey, he invented everything. if that's what he want to do then that's what he do.... he can choose to let humans only have two sets of teeth... it's his choice.... and so what? he invented all of our body parts and they all got something we dislike, too. any complaints about that? ii don't think aliens invented us though....
Reply:God is not stuffing all that chocolate down your throat
Reply:we get toothache due to many several causes which u can read about . regarding God creation , what has toothache got to do with God's perfectionist ? God is above perfect.

Is this a dental or a religious question? people are created to live on earth temporary where u can be good or bad , where u could suffer from simple toothache or malignant cancer .... ect. so at the end u could either be in hell or in paradise.
Reply:Your body is your temple, you should take care of it with proper hygiene, exercise and a healthy diet. Teeth are a integral part of the hygiene process. If you do your job at taking care of them with flossing and brushing, you should never have a problem. You could have just as easily ask "why we have to shower?"
Reply:because bacteria are also gods creation.
Reply:If god created everything, why did he create evil/satan/war/hunger/poverty/sadness etc etc?

Answer- god doesnt exist =)

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