Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Can anyone explain this strange dream to me? Please take the time to read.?

I was in a boat on a twitight sea alone. I saw a pretty woman swim up to the side of the boat, and I could see she was troubled by the look of fear in hers eyes. She said nothing, nor did I as she reached up for me. I took her by both arms and tried to pull her out of the water, but it was like she was stuck in quicksand. Then a huge shark's head appeared out of the black water like a sinister apparition approaching her. I looked at it and she looked at it then looked back at me. Her fear turned to extreme terror but still she was silent as the sharks white triangular teeth sunk into her sides and pulled her under. The worst part for me was her eyes. One eye dissapeared and the other grew to the size of a fist as the shark folded her up in its mouth in a bizzare dreamy fashion. There was never a sound and I was frozen as her one huge eye stared at me, expressionless from inside the sharks mouth.

That's it. Thanks

Can anyone explain this strange dream to me? Please take the time to read.?
usually in our dreams we create other people that represent ourselves because it is safer and it offers an external view of ourselves. if so, you may be feeling overwhelmed or consumed by something outside of your control. the terror in the eyes may reflect your fear, and the silence may indicate your inability to explain (or understand) the source of the fear. not moving toward safety may represent the paralysis you feel in your current situation. are you stuck in a bad job or relationship? do you have teenager that you cannot communicate with? are your parents aging and you don't know what to do for them? do you have debts/expenses that you feel you can never pay? these things may be the shark that you cannot escape. if you have a similar dream again, examine the shark (or any type of threat) very closely. oddly enough, you can make yourself do this in a dream, if you think about it while awake. you might consider why you put yourself in a boat instead of on an island, or a bridge, or anywhere else. remember, we choose every detail we put in our dreams, and everything has significance, or they would not be included in the dream. there are no outside influences that affect our dreams like there are in our waking life. we are the sole creators and owners of our dreams.
Reply:yes yes...i seems you need glasses...and maybe a martini...and something to read!
Reply:maybe u feel thats someone u care abot is in trouble and they r scared but for some reason they chose to accept their fate rather then accept your help
Reply:A bad, bad man is after this woman. She has been abused by him, but is afraid to defend herself or leave.
Reply:You have probably guilty of doing something you wouldn't want to be caught doing, Now you are consumed with the idea that someone could have seen you and you don't want to talk about it. to anyone. Maybe you should.
Reply:Do you feel all alone in any part of your life? Are there any mounting problems you feel are going to swallow you up? If so maybe then maybe that is the source of your dream.If not then examine your life and sitituations closely maybe your sub-conciece is trying to tell you something.Of course it coould just be a freaky scary dream.
Reply:I'm going to go out on a limb an say that you are single. And you were hoping to be coupled earlier in life than you are now. You refer to twilight - meaning thaat subconciously your mind considers something toward teh end of a day - as dawn signifies a begining. Perhaps you have just ended a relationship, or are wondering why you don't have one that is more meaningful. The boat signals travel - I think you are currently away from "home".
Reply:Fear that a shark is going to not entirely finish it's meal. Did you have an overbearing mom?
Reply:Well, apparently you don't think of yourself as a knight in shining armor. You try to be helpful, but you don't feel you do enough, and whatever you do do, apparently it isn't enough to make a difference in life, because the evil in the world as you see it, is too much for you to be able to win against.
Reply:Well, since the person you saw in ur dreams was a stranger to u then it suggests u to help everyone who approach u and build trust in him/her to ensure that u will help them when they need u.
Reply:I think you must had ditched any of your close friend who need your help seriously.This makes your heart having a feel of guilt which you does not recognise by yourself but your heart does.
Reply:I wish I could have dreams like that. Anyways, have you ever felt like you needed to help someone or be with someone who was torn away from you?
Reply:Without knowing enough about you I would say you whitnessed abuse to someone close to you and were to young to help. The dreams symbolises regret, he big eye is yours and has become a part of the shark in your mind.
Reply:I think I know the problem.You fell asleep on the couch while you were watching TV in dim light and after you fell asleep there was Jaws on TV and you sensed the entire movie and your brain has formed it the way it wanted to but you don't know it since you were asleep at that time.

skin cancer

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