Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fish worksheet,i left my book and notes in my locker,due in the am..please help..senior in distress...thanks?

compare/contrats leeches and lampreys.

which animal belong to class condrichthyes?

a shark's teeth are modified from what body part?

what is a ray's skeleton made of?

how is the reproduction of some elasmobranchians unique in fish?

what is the largest shark in the wrold and what does it eat?

name the fin that is most often seen protruding from the surface of the water in sharks.

describe the position and function of the caudal fin?

what are a sharks 5 primary senses?

compare/contrats rays and snakes

explain how lobe-finned fish may have evolved into limbed animals.

what is the largest class of vertebrates?

the most modern fish belong to whih group of actinopterygii?

explain why countercurrent echange is superior to concurrent exchange.

describe the migratory behavior of salmon in one word


what type of animal is the smallest vertebrate?

in memebers of superclass osteichthyes, an operculum civers what important organ?

Fish worksheet,i left my book and notes in my locker,due in the am..please help..senior in distress...thanks?
You ask a lot of detail questions....

Try using this website as a start:

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Reply:Hope you have chance to check this before its due...



-live in wet terrestrial habitats




Chondrichthyes is sharks, skates, rays and chimeras.

Shark teeth are modified placoid scales (skin).

Ray's skeleton is made of cartilage (hence chondrichthyes)

Not sure what the next one is getting at (worded wierd)

Largest shark in the world is whale shark - filter feeds primarily on planktonic organisms.

Fin that protrudes from water is dorsal fin

Caudal fin is on the tail (hence caudal) - helps steer

Sharks' five senses are sight, chemoreception, touch, taste, electroreception.

Think the next question is wrong - should be compare/contrast rays and skates right?

Lobe finned fishes evolved into limbed animals by having the ability to breathe air and to move across the land from one drying up water source to another. Eventually became able to utilize habitat not current inhabited.

Largest class of vertebrates is osteichthyes (bony fishes)

Don't know..need to look that up.

Countercurrent exchange allows for complete oxygenation of blood.

Salmon are Anadromous

Smallest vertebrate is a ray finned fish in osteichthyes

Operculum covers the gills

Hope that helps... if you get it before your work is due.

small business

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