Monday, April 20, 2009

What is the most interesting item you have found "fossil or rock" hounding?

I have some shark teeth from a Glauconite (sp) excavation in TX. Also some petrified wood --- neeto stuff... Anyone?

What is the most interesting item you have found %26quot;fossil or rock%26quot; hounding?
I just recently found a 250 million year old trilobite fossils in a piece of shale while i was doing research in the mountains of NY. Its wicked awesome.
Reply:One time while walking along the shore of Lake Michigan I found what appeared to be a giant seed. It was heart shaped, about three inches long, and wrinkled up as though it had dried out before becoming petrified.
Reply:I found a piece of a dinosaur bone, and my daughter once found a perfect scraper made by Indians - 100%26#039;s of years old --- all in the same area.
Reply:A few peaces of petrified wood. Jim stones if they count,

fire agate and moss agate..
Reply:I once found a fossil snail with a horn coral growing on the shell. It took me a while to figure out that I had two different animals making up this find.
Reply:Venice, Florida- found a 6%26quot; piece of fossilized whale bone that had megalodon shark teeth bite marks preserved in the bone!
Reply:I stole a piece of a fossil tree from the cliffs at Joggins Nova Scotia. Sshh. Don%26#039;t tell anybody. It was just a little piece that had fallen off from erosion. Nothing that wouldn%26#039;t have been washed into the sea and ruined anyway.

But they are the prime example of life moving from water to coal swamps to land and contain the worlds oldest possibly first reptiles. Ask Darwin he was there, wait a minute, where did he go.

family nanny

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